Fisip International Guest Lecture 3# “Frontiers of Urbanization in Kalimantan and Beyond”

Fisip Unmul Turut Hadir Dalam Kegiatan Upacara Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia Ke 79 Serta Meraih Juara 1 Yel Yel Terbaik

FISIP unmul mengadakan kegiatan Pengenalan Kehidupan kampus bagi Mahasiswa Baru (PKKMB) Tahun 2024

Fisip Unmul Melakukan Kegiatan Penilaian Arsip Daftar Usul Musnah Tahun 2024

Satuan Tugas Pencegahan Dan Penanganan Kekerasan Seksual Universitas Mulawarman Road To Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik

01. Undergraduate Program in Social Development


Undergraduate Program in Sosiatri the third oldest study program -- after Public Administration and Government -- in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Mulawarman University. The following parts describe this program to interested stakeholders, particularly undergraduate student applicants.

02. Undergraduate Program in Business Administration

Business Administration Study Program is the only study program available at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciencs which relates social-based administration science to business schemes.

03. Undergraduate Program in Public Administration

Public Administration Study Program is the oldest study program in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Mulawarman University.

04. Undergraduate Program in Government


In its teaching-learning process, this study program sheds light on government theories and practices, such as those of government systems at any levels (international [comparative government], provincial, distric/city, and village levels), central-local government relationships, election, local democracy and good governance, contemporary issues of government, etc.


05. Undegraduate Program in Applied Government

06. Undergraduate Program in International Relations


International Relations Study Program is a study program of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Mulawarman University specializing  in international affairs, international cooperation, diplomacy, foreign policies, etc


07. Undergraduate Program in Communication


Undergraduate Program in Communication is a study program under the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Mulawarman Universith whose teaching and learning process focuses on various aspects of mass communication, human relations, etc.


08. Undergraduate Program in Psychology


Undergraduate Program in Psychology is a study program currently under the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Mulawarman University. This study program focuses its teaching-learning process on behaviour and mental process of human beings.

09. Master Program in Public Administration


Master program in Public Administration is the only postgraduate program available at the Faculty od Social and Political Sciences, Mulawarman University. The intentions of undergraduate degree holders to study in this study program are quite high.


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