Welcome to the International Conference on Psychology and Communication 2018 (ICPC 2018). The conference will take place in Jakarta, Indonesia, on 10-12 July 2018. This conference is organized by Faculty of Psychology and Faculty of Communication Science, Universitas

Mercu Buana. As the theme of this conference is “Living Harmony on Digital Era: Psychology and Communication Perspective”, this conference aims to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to share and discuss theoretical and practical knowledge to improve living harmony on Digital Era. Therefore, the invited speakers in this conference are researchers that are well-known and reputable in the world. The conference welcomes papers that explore but not limited to the topic of psychology and communication. The range of the topics covered by ICPC 2018 includes:

* Positive industrial organizational behavior and human communication
* Resilience, grit and human growth and new media
* Intervention and psychotherapy in millennial generation
* Family, religion and well-being in digital era
* Political psychology and leadership of millennial generation and new media
* Social Interaction Among Millennial Generation
* Digital Media Optimization For Corporate Reputation and Marketing Communication
* The Roles of New Media in Generating Social Movement (Social, Economic, Politic, Culture, Gender etc.)
* New Media Versus Old Media: Communication Cases Perspective
* The Impact of New Media on Social and Political Life
* New Tourism Communication: Promoting the Tourism Industry through Digital Media.

More information on : http://icpc2018.interconf.org/